Author: Alex Thompson


Alex Thompson, with a decade of commitment in social work, obtained his psychology credentials from the University of San Francisco. Immediately following his academic journey, Alex embarked on a mission to support individuals battling with substance dependencies. Currently, he channels his expertise into crafting insightful pieces aimed at overcoming challenges related to alcohol and drug addiction, offering guidance and solidarity through his online publications.

March 29, 2024

Alex Thompson

Alcohol use: Weighing risks and benefits

Individuals in the young adult subtype make up 31% of people addicted to alcohol in the U.S. They drink less frequently than the other subtypes, but when they do drink, they’re likely to overdo it and binge. They typically come from families with low rates of alcoholism. Alcohol use disorder has been identified as something that happens […]

Alcohol Addiction

March 29, 2024

Alex Thompson

What are common drug test

However, the temperature may change as soon as it is exposed to either warm or cool environment. For drug screening, a urine temperature that is within the range of °F is usually acceptable. Ensuring that the sample is in this temperature range is the best way to tell whether the sample actually came from the […]

Drug Addiction

March 29, 2024

Alex Thompson

How Can I Identify and Handle Addiction Triggers? 6 Tips

Women for Sobriety focuses on the needs of women with any type of substance use problem. They also value having role models of recovery and someone to call on when the recovering self is an unsteady newborn. Data show that the programs are helpful for some but not for everyone. Shame is an especially powerful […]


March 29, 2024

Alex Thompson

Alcoholism Rehab: Types of Treatment for Alcoholism

Some studies indicate that inpatient treatment leads to better short-term abstinence rates than outpatient, but that advantage may reduce over time. People in inpatient programs may also be more likely to complete treatment. With that said, inpatient programs tend to be more expensive and aren’t necessarily for everyone. The Navigator helps adults find alcohol treatment […]


March 28, 2024

Alex Thompson

Animal-Assisted Therapy: How it Helps

Get the help you need from a therapist near you–a FREE service from Psychology Today. For example, a therapy dog cannot accompany a handler into a business establishment. Your therapist should be qualified, experienced and a member of a professional body, such as BACP, which demonstrates they’re committed to working to high professional and ethical […]

Alcohol Addiction

March 28, 2024

Alex Thompson

Performance-enhancing drugs: Know the risks

As with all supplements, you’ll want your doctor to let you know about any health risks, like effects on any conditions you have or medications you take. “The circuits that are involved in human cognition are very complicated and not fully understood,” he says. “You can’t just ‘turn up the dial’ that easily.” He notes […]

Drug Addiction

March 28, 2024

Alex Thompson

40 Tips For Staying Sober Under Pressure

If you think you could use the extra help, talk to your doctor about which medication is right for you. I’ve been thinking a lot about how I finally managed to get and stay sober. When I look back on the millions of times I tried (and failed) to quit, I have a very good […]


March 28, 2024

Alex Thompson

What is an alcoholic? How to treat alcoholism

As with other medical diseases but unlike most bad habits, prospective studies demonstrate that willpower per se is of little predictive significance. Alcoholism is a complex, many-sided phenomenon, and its many formal definitions vary according to the point of view of the definer. A simplistic definition calls alcoholism a disease caused by chronic, compulsive drinking. […]

Alcohol Addiction

March 28, 2024

Alex Thompson

Dandruff Symptoms and causes

It could potentially help with wet dandruff by relieving irritation on the scalp. The effects of seborrheic dermatitis on hair are usually minimal, but research has shown that hair loss can occur. “Sometimes what you think is dandruff is simply product debris, like hair gel or hair spray,” says McMichael. SD causes visible signs of […]

Drug Addiction

March 28, 2024

Alex Thompson

Best Programs to Quit Drinking of 2023

As you prepare your plan to quit drinking, make a list of the barriers that might be standing in your way and brainstorm ways to deal with these problems. Potential solutions might include looking for low-cost treatment options, joining a support group, and talking to a mental health professional. Common alcohol withdrawal symptoms can include […]
