Author: Alex Thompson

MDMA Abuse: The Withdrawal and Detox Timeline

mdma withdrawal

Dosage plays a small role in the severity of withdrawal symptoms because, generally, if someone is addicted to MDMA, they are not taking small doses. Our experienced and licensed Northridge Addiction Treatment Center staff is prepared to help you overcome addiction and start on a path to lifelong recovery. We do understand, however, that ecstasy functions similarly to a stimulant and a hallucinogen, and stimulant withdrawal has been well characterized. Ecstasy addiction is not well studied, therefore, symptoms of tolerance, dependence and withdrawal are not well characterized.

These adulterants found in ecstasy pills can produce harmful effects or complicate withdrawal symptoms. This can include people, situations, or circumstances that can prompt a desire to take drugs. Techniques such as CBT can help individuals learn to identify and avoid their triggers by developing alternative coping strategies. Melatonin is a natural hormone that is produced in the brain and is responsible for setting the body’s sleep-wake cycle.

Though MDMA, also known as Ecstasy or Molly, might have a reputation as a single-use party drug, it also has the potential for long term abuse. Research has found that 43 percent of users of this psychoactive drug met the criteria for substance dependency. As advocates of mental health and wellness, we take great pride in educating our readers on the various online therapy providers available. MentalHelp has partnered with several thought leaders in the mental health and wellness space, so we can help you make informed decisions on your wellness journey. MentalHelp may receive marketing compensation from these companies should you choose to use their services.

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The half-life of MDMA is about 6-10 hours, meaning half of a dose is broken down by the body in that amount of time. Because it takes five half-lives to completely remove MDMA from the system, most people need about hours or around two days. The single biggest complicating factor of Ecstasy withdrawal is that it is usually not pure MDMA but a mixture of multiple drugs.

mdma withdrawal

Ecstasy is often cut with other drugs, such as heroin, ketamine, amphetamines and other illicit drugs. In many cases, ecstasy is also taken alongside other drugs, such as marijuana, cocaine or LSD. Because it’s hard to know what’s in a pill of ecstasy and so many users tend to combine it with other drugs, withdrawal symptoms are often different for each person. Mission Harbor is dedicated to treating Santa Barbara County and Los Angeles County with specialized mental and behavioral health programs in a convenient outpatient environment. Our treatment facility is accredited by the Joint Commission and LegitScript Certified.

MDMA is most famous as a party drug on the rave and club scene but has gained wider use in the general population. Generally speaking, the longer ecstasy has been abused and the higher the doses of ecstasy, the more severe the withdrawal symptoms. The longer ecstasy has been abused and the higher the dosage, the more severe the withdrawal symptoms.

Treatment for Ecstasy Withdrawal

This drug can be useful during the detox process as many clients can experience depression and increased anxiety when they wean off ecstasy. While ecstasy is less dangerous to detox from than many drugs, it is not recommended that you do it alone. Individuals who experience intense anxiety and depression during detox are at risk of psychological complications. The safest way to detox from Molly is to get in touch with addiction medicine professionals and enter a medical detox program.

Managing the symptoms of withdrawal from ecstasy—especially the feelings of depression, which are often severe—can be difficult for a person to do on their own. It is recommended that users complete the withdrawal process in a medical detox facility or an inpatient rehab. Although MDMA withdrawal side effects can’t kill someone directly, they are incredibly painful and unpleasant to go through without outside intervention and help. In many cases of addiction, users turn to drugs like MDMA to self-medicate mental health issues or emotional pain. Also, MDMA withdrawals can increase the chances of someone experiencing an episode of depression. People who attempt to quit taking MDMA without medical assistance will often experience severe, depression-like symptoms, insomnia, and anxiety.

  1. During rehab, centers and clinics will provide a range of treatments such as medications, counseling, and behavioral therapies.
  2. Detoxing from ecstasy is best done safely under medical supervision where clinicians can keep you safe and comfortable.
  3. Other slang terms come from creative combinations that sound similar to MDMA or ecstasy or reference its effects.
  4. Molly and ecstasy are manufactured in illegal labs, most of which can be found operating in either Canada or the Netherlands.

MDMA heavily impacts brain chemistry, causing withdrawal to last as long as it takes to naturally regain balance, even after the drug is out of the system. Rehab facilities that offer dual diagnosis are often staffed with psychiatrists or clinical therapists that can diagnose and/or treat co-occurring mental health conditions. This kind of treatment is especially useful for people who have underlying issues such as depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This allows clinicians to safely address these conditions alongside withdrawal from the ecstasy itself. While every individual is unique and will have different needs, many centers provide tailored recovery plans.

Since ecstasy has both stimulant and hallucinogenic properties, its withdrawal syndrome can appear somewhat like that of other stimulants (as hallucinogens do not have a conclusive withdrawal syndrome). Unfortunately, over extended periods of ecstasy use, the user’s body becomes adapted to the increased levels of neurotransmitters, and is unable to function normally below these levels. Participants who continue to abstain receive rewards such as prize draws for money or in-demand objects. People with an addiction to MDMA should consider detoxing with the help of trained staff at an addiction and rehab facility like The Recovery Village Palm Beach at Baptist Health Drug and Alcohol Rehab.

Although ecstasy withdrawal does not typically produce dangerous physical symptoms, the powerful psychological withdrawal can lead many users to relapse. Ecstasy, also known as MDMA or molly, is a synthetic psychoactive drug that produces a euphoric high in the user. Withdrawal happens because the user’s brain becomes dependent on ecstasy to function. Detox programs are available at certain clinics and medical facilities where they supervise a person’s drug withdrawal and provide supportive medications where necessary. These clinics are usually staffed with a team of doctors and nurses who have experience with addiction and drug withdrawal.

Why would someone need professional help for MDMA addiction?

During this period, individuals may experience increased depression and memory problems, along with cravings and insomnia. Ecstasy addiction is more psychological than physical, but withdrawal can still occur. However, the symptoms are milder compared with other drugs like meth, cocaine, and some prescription drugs.

Medical detox alone will not adequately treat substance use disorders; an in-depth treatment program should follow to address the long-term effects of MDMA abuse. MDMA floods the brain with serotonin to produce euphoria, heightened sensitivity to physical stimuli, increased self-awareness, sociability, and in some cases, greater empathy toward other people. MDMA also releases other chemicals that cause physical effects, including a surge of energy, increased blood pressure and heart rate, and in some cases, overheating and organ failure. This heterogeneity of ecstasy pills is one of the reasons that withdrawal symptoms have not been characterized as of yet. Withdrawal symptoms and their severity vary with the specific “brand” or manufacturer of the ecstasy pills.

Patients also have access to a team of experienced professionals who can help them uncover their triggers for drug use and prevent it from happening again in the future. For example, when a person doesn’t take MDMA, the brain releases serotonin at regular intervals and healthy levels. This periodic release of serotonin is what keeps people from feeling depressed or anxious. But when someone takes a drug like MDMA, it hijacks this process and influences the brain to release high levels of serotonin at once, which induces a “high” or euphoria. The problem occurs when the brain runs out of neurochemicals and can’t produce them fast enough.

MDMA Abuse: The Withdrawal and Detox Timeline

This type of rehab is best suited to individuals with long-term chronic addictions, especially those who have co-occurring mental health issues. Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do to fix the symptoms of withdrawal instantly. Instead, treatment will mainly focus on ensuring you get care during this difficult time. If you are dealing with intense anxiety or depression, it may be a good idea to seek care from a mental health professional. During withdrawal treatment, you will need to focus on resting, eating healthy foods, staying hydrated, and generally just trying to give your body a chance to heal.