Author: Alex Thompson

Marijuana Detox: What You Should Know

marijuana detox

This means that sweating alone likely isn’t enough to help you clear a urine test. If you have unlimited time and you are simply trying to detox THC from your system, than exercise is one of your best bets. Not only does exercise release many of the same neurotransmitters that cannabis mimics, but keeping a low body mass and burning fat will help you more quickly eliminate THC from your system. However, if you’re hoping to burn fat quickly, cutting the carbs and opting instead for nutrient-dense fats may be a worthwhile option. Once inside the intestinal tract, activated charcoal may attract fatty compounds that are entrapped in bile.

  1. If you have an impending drug test, it is not recommended to exercise 24 hours or so before the test.
  2. During this test, consumers will be asked to urinate into a container which is then sent into a laboratory for analysis.
  3. To quickly detox from weed, you can start by stopping marijuana usage and staying hydrated.
  4. Others can be used for a medical treatment and may help in terms of overall health and wellness but aren’t supported by scientific studies and really proven to be effective in detoxing from weed.
  5. Vinegar has a lot of health benefits and prebiotics that help with digestion.
  6. If you’re in a hurry, increasing your exercise may help you more quickly detox from THC, however only time will completely eliminate traces of the compound in your body.

After maintaining a healthy diet, incorporating regular exercise into your routine can further support the detoxification process. Physical activity helps to sweat out toxins and improve overall health. From time to time, regular users of cannabis may come to the conclusion that it is time to take some time off from enjoying the herb. Perhaps you’re in the job market and want to be ready in case a prospective employer has a drug testing policy for applicants. Or maybe you aren’t getting the same buzz from pot that you used to and want to take a tolerance break to enhance your enjoyment when you begin smoking again.

How Does It Leave the Body?

During this test, consumers will be asked to urinate into a container which is then sent into a laboratory for analysis. Everyone’s body responds differently to the various possible detoxing methods. It is advised to pay close attention to how your body responds to your efforts and use natural materials that you know are safe. Whether you are a die-hard herbivore in need of a tolerance break or are simply hoping to land that dream job, sometimes it’s good to detox. Today, almost any food or drink can be infused with cannabis, and edibles make for a creative, sometimes potent, and tasty way of enjoying the plant.

It’s also impossible to cheat a hair follicle test by shaving your head. If your hair is too short or you do not have enough hair, lab assistants can use samples taken from other parts of the body. THC can remain detectable in your blood for as long as seven days, depending on how frequently you use marijuana. Someone who smokes marijuana daily will likely carry marijuana metabolites for longer than someone who smokes infrequently. Cannabinoid metabolites can remain detectable in urine even after long periods of abstinence.

marijuana detox

Most of these methods work in conjunction with each other, and all of them benefit the body. Consider the following strategies for an all-natural marijuana detox experience. Although it will take a long time—up to six weeks—it remains the most thorough and effective method for getting weed out of your system. To quickly detox from weed, increase your water intake, get on a liver detoxification plan, and consider joining a structured detox program or support groups for help.

Fastest Methods to Detox from Weed

For example, using less potent flower or concentrates will allow you to reduce your intake and still enjoy a buzz, without quitting cold turkey. Switching to low-dose edibles can provide a long-lasting alternative to smoking or vaping, making it easier to ward off symptoms of withdrawal. Drinking excessive quantities of water will not speed up your THC detox and can cause health problems.

One study found traces of one metabolite, delta 1-THC, in urine as long as four weeks after use. When you smoke or consume marijuana, you can feel profound and immediate effects. This means that chemical remnants of the plant are still present within your body. As much as we all love a quick fix, abstaining from cannabis for 30 days or more may be the only way to guarantee that THC won’t appear on a drug test.

Some states have legalized CBD, so be sure to check state laws, especially when traveling. Also, keep in mind that the FDA has not approved nonprescription CBD products, and some products may be inaccurately labeled. These symptoms can range from mild to severe, and they vary from person to person. The symptoms may not be severe or dangerous, but they can be unpleasant. Of course, the most obvious way to reduce your intake of THC is to smoke less pot.

Common ways to get weed out of your system

This might be appealing if you’re aiming to pass a drug test on short notice. – Regular exercise boosts metabolism and blood circulation, which can aid the natural detox process. Sweating it out can also assist in expelling toxins through perspiration.

Exercise will help decrease detectable cannabinoids in your body while simultaneously smoothing the transition for endocannabinoids, which our bodies naturally produce, to take over. It’s important to weigh the pros and cons before choosing this method for weed detoxification. Drinking water and diuretics help to get weed out of your system, but they excessively dilute urine, making it look pale. A diluted urine sample may be rejected by lab staff as unnatural, and you will have to submit another sample or even fail the test depending on the situation.

This is pretty obvious, but in order to detox from marijuana, halt all consumption of cannabis. Whether you choose to go cold turkey or ease into it, the process of THC detoxification cannot truly begin until cannabis is fully out of the picture. Additionally, consuming a diet rich in fiber and essential nutrients can aid in flushing out toxins from your system. High-fiber foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are beneficial in this regard. As you try to quit, you might face withdrawal symptoms like trouble sleeping, mood swings, or getting irritable easily.

For those that are in a hurry, however, there are a few simple tactics that can help you detox THC fast. A blood analysis checks for the presence of either THC or THC metabolites, or other drugs. This type of test provides a fairly accurate indication of whether or not you have consumed cannabis or another drug within a fairly recent time frame. Fortunately for cannabis consumers, THC does not like to hang around in the blood for extended periods of time. A consumer can typically test clean for THC or THC metabolites within two to seven days before a blood test. If you are trying to get cannabis out of your system in a hurry, we have some bad news.

Opioids, alcohol, cocaine, and heroin can produce severe, even dangerous, withdrawal symptoms. The longer you used cannabis, the more likely you are to experience withdrawal symptoms. Before you start pumping iron, however, there is one important caveat to exercising right before a drug test. If you have an impending drug test, it is not recommended to exercise 24 hours or so before the test. Believe it or not, most of the THC and THC metabolites are excreted during bowel movements.

As long as usual marijuana detox is a long-term goal and takes a lot of time, it is inappropriate for drug testing that requires a fast cleanse and instant results in the form of a clean urine sample. That’s why preparing for a drug test means using completely different methods. In conclusion, understanding the best way to detox from weed is essential for successful marijuana detoxification.

Yet, it is important to keep in mind that detoxing is serious business. Drinking vinegar is not a scientifically proven or medically recommended method to detox THC faster from your body. While there are anecdotal claims that consuming vinegar may help with passing drug tests, there is no scientific evidence to support these claims, and it can be potentially harmful. Even after completing a marijuana detox regime, THC can remain detectable in urine for anywhere from a couple of days to a full month. Tests for urine, blood, hair, and saliva can all be tested for THC, but most tests are done on urine. Opt for teas with high levels of antioxidants, or liver-cleansing teas such as dandelion or milk thistle.