Author: Alex Thompson

Ketamine Detox Symptoms, Timeline, Medications And Treatment

ketamine detox

If you think you may have a ketamine addiction, reaching out for help is not a weakness. Getting support from friends, family, and professional facilities can assist you in overcoming your addiction and living your life free of substances. However, the approach to treating ketamine withdrawal is typically multi-modal and focuses on psychological and physical health. Medications might be a part of the treatment plan, but behavioral therapies, counseling, and supportive care are also crucial. For mild ketamine addiction, people start to find themselves in the clear past the 3-week mark. However, some individuals may experience withdrawal symptoms that stretch for months, including mood swings, ongoing cravings, or cognitive impairment.

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) delves deep into the psyche and is one of the cornerstones of many rehab programs. It seeks to unearth, understand, and transform destructive thought patterns and behaviors. The mind and body start to find balance, having weathered the storm of the initial withdrawals, and many people have an increase in their energy levels and appetite again. Like any psychoactive substance, quitting or reducing intake after habitual use can lead to withdrawal symptoms. Despite the hype, ketamine isn’t risk-free — addiction is a real possibility, so here’s what you should know.

ketamine detox

The severity of your symptoms will depend on your chemistry, how much ketamine you have been taking, how often, and for how long. After a few minutes, your heart rate speeds up and your blood pressure begins to go down. Empathy is a powerful counterforce in a society that can sometimes be quick to judge.

Treatment For Ketamine Addiction

MentalHelp has partnered with several thought leaders in the mental health and wellness space, so we can help you make informed decisions on your wellness journey. MentalHelp may receive marketing compensation from these companies should you choose to use their services. No medications have been FDA-approved to treat ketamine addiction, but doctors may prescribe other medications to help treat co-occurring mental health conditions. Hospitalization may sometimes be required to manage serious withdrawal symptoms. Addiction can negatively impact quality of life, physical health, mental well-being, and relationships.

ketamine detox

How long it lasts is determined by the amount of drugs in the addict’s body, their tolerance level, how long they had been using the drug, and if they also used other drugs. While it is possible to detox from ketamine at home, we would strongly advise that you undergo this process at a specialised facility, in the safe hands of medical professionals. While some may consider ketamine to have a moderate to low risk of dependence, ketamine addiction with an accompanying withdrawal syndrome, has been observed.

How Long Does Ketamine Stay In Your System?

However, this drug can be fatal because it is usually combined with other substances like alcohol (which also has sedative effects) or hallucinogens like LSD and PCP. Coupled with its ability to produce an out-of-body experience, this drug can cause visual and auditory perceptual changes. Addiction is a powerful force that requires professional help to overcome. However, many believe they can detox from ketamine at home, often leading to relapse and more severe issues. Symptoms of ketamine withdrawal typically begin about 24 hours after your last use and can last for roughly 3 days.

  1. Once an individual has completed the detox process and is stable enough to be discharged, they typically transition into a more comprehensive treatment program.
  2. Cognitive behavioral therapy can assist with changing the thought patterns that play a role in supporting drug use and addiction.
  3. Ketamine functions primarily by acting on the NMDA receptor in the brain; however, ketamine has a multitude of other molecular targets that makes its mechanisms of action very complex.

With determination, support, and the right tools, coming out of ketamine addiction is possible. When all of these systems in the brain and spinal cord are constitutively active by ketamine abuse and frequent administration, withdrawal symptoms appear when that input is no longer available. The body acclimates to the increased stimulation from the ketamine and becomes unbalanced if ketamine is abruptly discontinued. Tolerance to ketamine after prolonged use develops rather quickly, and many users stop ketamine use because of the larger amounts needed to achieve the same effects. However, some users continue use and develop tolerance and dependence, as well as withdrawal symptoms upon stopping or reducing ketamine use.

Kickstart your ketamine recovery

This article will also look into trusted treatments that can help overcome ketamine misuse. Always consult a medical professional for personalized insights and guidance for anyone contemplating drug tests or lingering effects. And remember, even if a drug is no longer detectable in the system, it doesn’t negate the potential for long-term psychological or physical impacts.

Ketamine is also a highly addictive drug, and users who suddenly quit using may experience intense withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal symptoms occur because the Ketamine has altered Opioid receptors in the brain. Perhaps the most dangerous is intense depression, which can lead to an increased suicide risk. When we mention ketamine withdrawal, we are referring to the physical and psychological symptoms that occur when a user abruptly stops or cuts back on their ketamine use. Ketamine addiction also makes it difficult for people to function as they normally do in their daily life and activities. If substance misuse disrupts work, school, and personal relationships, it can indicate a ketamine addiction.

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Ketamine was linked with better outcomes when used along with behavioral and motivational therapy in two clinical trials on substance misuse treatment. Sharing experiences, challenges, and triumphs with peers can be incredibly therapeutic. Realizing that one isn’t alone in this journey can be a monumental step towards healing. Individual therapy provides a safe, confidential space to explore the roots of their addiction, address personal traumas, and chart a personalized path to recovery.

Duration Of Withdrawal

When we approach addiction not with disdain but understanding, we break the chains of shame that might bind those struggling. While the ballpark figure is that ketamine becomes hard to detect in the body within a week, the exact duration is contingent on multiple factors. This period is crucial for building or rebuilding relationships and seeking therapeutic interventions, if necessary.

By riding out these symptoms, you slowly rid yourself of your dependence on ketamine, bringing you one step closer to permanently ditching your addiction. We may receive advertising fees if you follow links to promoted online therapy websites. Getting professional treatment is the best way to ensure a successful recovery, but this requires the user to be totally committed to stopping use of Ketamine. Some medications are available to help minimize Ketamine withdrawal symptoms.

Polydrug use — the simultaneous or sequential abuse of multiple substances — adds complexity to the recovery journey. The intertwined dependencies demand a multifaceted approach, targeting each substance while understanding their combined impact. While the first hours can be daunting, it’s important to remember that this is a transitional phase. Navigate these initial challenges with support from friends, family, or medical professionals. Don’t Wait Hear from others on their journey through addiction and recovery. Even if you’re lucky enough to avoid the physical side effects of detoxing, detoxing from ketamine on your own can be risky.