Author: Alex Thompson

Ecstasy Withdrawal and Detox: Symptoms and Timeline

mdma withdrawal symptoms

The doctor may prescribe medications, such as antidepressants, to help with some of the psychological symptoms of withdrawal. In such cases, you or someone you know should seek medical or mental health care immediately. A hospital can help you detox from ecstasy safely while also providing you with counseling.

MentalHelp may receive marketing compensation from these companies should you choose to use their services. However, because ecstasy affects the same neurotransmitter systems as other drugs of abuse, sudden changes in ecstasy dose after establishing a pattern of use can most certainly produce withdrawal symptoms. While these symptoms mirror those of ecstasy withdrawal, the primary difference lies in their onset. Withdrawal symptoms typically arise after stopping the drug following prolonged use, whereas comedown effects can occur even after just a single episode of ecstasy use. Understanding this distinction is crucial for recognizing the patterns of ecstasy use and effectively addressing its after-effects. Ecstasy, or MDMA, is a synthetic drug that’s known for its euphoric effects, yet it’s highly psychologically addictive.

mdma withdrawal symptoms

People who use Ecstasy often may actually become both psychologically and physically dependent upon this substance for everyday functioning. The reason more individuals are getting addicted to Ecstasy and experimenting with it is largely due to the cost. The safest way to detox from Molly is to get in touch with addiction medicine professionals and enter a medical detox program. While withdrawal from MDMA is generally not life-threatening, it can affect many organ systems and cause potential harm. Entering medical detox will ensure that a team of clinicians can monitor for and prevent permanent damage to the kidneys, heart and liver.

MDMA Withdrawal Symptoms

It will obviously have been well out of your body by then, and your nervous system is rewiring itself to account for the lack of MDMA. Depending on the level of addiction, withdrawal symptoms may begin immediately after stopping Ecstasy or a few days later. People with very severe addictions need to keep using the drug just to prevent withdrawal. Drugs like methamphetamine and cocaine may be mixed into Ecstasy and have a higher potential for addiction and harm than MDMA alone.

This often involves experiencing negative emotions like depression and anxiety, which are contrary to the high ecstasy provides, along with strong cravings for the drug. When quitting ecstasy, former users are encouraged to seek professional help in a medical detox program. Ecstasy is often cut with other drugs, such as heroin, ketamine, amphetamines and other illicit drugs. In many cases, ecstasy is also taken alongside other drugs, such as marijuana, cocaine or LSD.

Regular use disrupts normal brain function, leading to potential long-term brain issues. The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) suggests that ecstasy might also have physically addictive properties. However, some research indicates that addiction to ecstasy might be less likely compared to other substances known for compulsive use. This is partly because the pleasurable effects of MDMA decrease, and negative effects increase with frequent use.

Ecstasy Withdrawal and Detox

Unfortunately, the word “pure” is misleading because dealers frequently add other drugs to their batches to make them cheaper and more potent, leading to unforeseen side effects and dangers. If you increase the amount of a drug, the brain will end up burning up more serotonin. Essentially the larger the dosage, the greater the amount of serotonin that will get depleted. Think about it, if you have a job, getting a dose of Ecstasy could be less than a single hour of earnings. It is typically sold as a semi-synthetic chemical compound and in its purest form, it is a white colored powder.

  1. Get professional help from an online addiction and mental health counselor from BetterHelp.
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  3. If someone already has clinical depression, then ecstasy withdrawal could exacerbate it, leading to potentially harmful consequences.
  4. The duration and intensity of withdrawal vary for each individual, typically peaking a few days after cessation and lasting about a week.

Relapse during the withdrawal process is especially dangerous because the user’s tolerance has decreased. If they jump back into using the same amount of ecstasy, they’re at an increased risk of overdose—which can be fatal. The “crash” and mood symptoms of MDMA can be very severe, and people withdrawing are at an increased risk of depression and anxiety symptoms, which may lead to suicidal thoughts or actions. Individuals who relapse or return to using MDMA after a period of abstinence may have a lower tolerance to the substance. And if they return to the same dose they were previously using, their body may be unable to handle this amount and it could result in severe and dangerous effects.

Ecstasy Withdrawal: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

As reported by the Drug Abuse Awareness Network (DAWN), emergency room visits for ecstasy-related complications exceed 250,000 annually. These incidents often involve physical issues like heatstroke and severe dehydration. A more severe concern arises with chronic ecstasy use, which depletes serotonin levels. When combined with prescription serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), commonly used for depression, there’s an increased risk of developing severe serotonin syndrome. Ecstasy abuse leads to a sudden decline in serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine, shocking the system.

As a primarily psychoactive drug, MDMA substance abuse has fewer physical symptoms and more psychological symptoms. Experts believe ecstasy addiction mainly stems from users continuously chasing the euphoric highs and mental stimulation it causes, which eventually leads to some physical dependence as tolerance builds. During medically assisted detox, physicians monitor the ecstasy user as they go through withdrawal.

What Is MDMA (Ecstasy)?

While there’s no immediate cure for MDMA withdrawal symptoms, the focus of treatment is providing support and care during this challenging period. If you’re experiencing severe anxiety or depression, consulting a mental health professional is advisable. The key aspects of withdrawal treatment include rest, maintaining a nutritious diet, staying hydrated, and allowing your body the time it needs to recover. Managing the symptoms of withdrawal from ecstasy—especially the feelings of depression, which are often severe—can be difficult for a person to do on their own. It is recommended that users complete the withdrawal process in a medical detox facility or an inpatient rehab.

These programs create individualized treatment plans based on each patient’s specific needs. Outpatient treatment is also an option for those who do not have the time or resources to attend inpatient rehab. Contact a treatment provider today for help finding an ecstasy addiction treatment program. MDMA Withdrawal symptoms are mainly psychological, although some physical symptoms may occur. The extent and duration of ecstasy withdrawal vary based on factors like the user’s tolerance, frequency and length of drug use, metabolism, overall health, age, gender, and genetic factors.

This option is best if someone is experiencing mild withdrawal symptoms or has a strong internal motivation to quit. This site is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It should not be used in place of the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers. Always seek your physician’s advice with any questions or concerns regarding a medical condition. We provide onsite medical detox to keep you safe and supported through withdrawal while your body starts to recover with the help of freshly made gourmet meals and around-the-clock care. These adulterants found in ecstasy pills can produce harmful effects or complicate withdrawal symptoms.