Author: Alex Thompson

Drinking Levels Defined National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism NIAAA

what is moderate drinking

It can cause cancer because it breaks down in the body to form a compound called acetaldehyde, which damages DNA. That damage can lead to at least seven types of cancer. Fifteen percent of breast cancers are linked to alcohol. And according to the WHO, half of cancers in Europe linked to alcohol are caused by “light” or “moderate” consumption. In the past, moderate drinking was thought to be linked with a lower risk of dying from heart disease and possibly diabetes. After more analysis of the research, that doesn’t seem to be the case.

  1. At best, moderate drinking may have certain health benefits, but these benefits may be outweighed by its risks.
  2. However, it is important to note that many studies making these claims are inconclusive.
  3. Unhealthy alcohol use includes any alcohol use that puts your health or safety at risk or causes other alcohol-related problems.
  4. If you’re looking to adopt healthier drinking patterns and better monitor your consumption of alcohol, there are ways to limit your alcohol intake in easy, more manageable ways.
  5. Consequently, the commonly held belief that moderate drinking may be better for one’s health than abstaining from alcohol entirely has become a difficult proposition to maintain universally.

I recognize that wine is not benign, and I have cut my consumption in half. But the occasional glass is a risk worth taking—for me. For example, any amount of drinking increases the risk of breast cancer and colorectal cancer. As consumption goes up, the risk goes up for these cancers. The internet is full of misinformation about the risks of alcohol intake.

What is considered moderate drinking? Is it bad for you?

When it comes to drinking alcohol and expecting a health benefit, moderation is the key. If you currently drink no alcohol at all, do not start because of the health benefits. That’s why there are guidelines in place for moderate drinking. If you’re looking to cut back on the alcohol, are sober curious, or just want to see your options out there in the world of moderate drinking, we have answers. In the United States, a standard alcoholic drink contains 14 grams of pure alcohol.

what is moderate drinking

In 2018, when Hartz and her colleagues compared thousands of moderate and very light drinkers (one or two drinks per week), the advantages of moderate consumption basically disappeared. By 2022 the World Heart Federation stated that alcohol did not protect people. Drinking alcohol in excess can negatively impact your health, including almost every part of your body.

Impact on your safety

The CDC also defines binge drinking, which can lead to an array of health issues. A man who has 5 or more drinks over the course of 2 hours or less has been binge drinking. For women, the threshold is 4 or more drinks in that same period. If you don’t have insurance, you may still be able to get free or low-cost help for alcohol misuse.

According to the Office of Alcohol and Drug Education at the University of Notre Dame, IN, a woman’s body absorbs 30 percent more alcohol than a man’s after drinking the same amount. Try our alcohol-removed sparkling white wine if you’re looking to celebrate without the hangover, or our non-alcoholic rosé if the occasion calls for something pink. To break it down for you further, here’s how both the CDC and the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) define a standard drink. This information on drinking in moderation was adapted from materials from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.

But heavy drinking carries a much higher risk even for those without other health concerns. Be sure to ask your healthcare professional about what’s right for your health and safety. In the United States, moderate drinking for healthy adults is different for men and women. It means on days when a person does drink, women do not have more than one drink and men do not have more than two drinks.

You can also make notes in your smartphone to keep track of your drinks. Here are some strategies to help you cut back or stop drinking. Sign up for free and stay up to date on research advancements, health tips, current health topics, and expertise on managing health. Heavy drinking also has been linked to intentional injuries, such as suicide, as well as accidental injury and death. However, it’s important to keep in mind that naltrexone will not prevent you from becoming inebriated or drunk from alcohol.

Risks of heavy alcohol use

Binge drinking is behavior that raises blood alcohol levels to 0.08%. That usually means four or more drinks within two hours for women and five or more drinks within two hours for men. He also explains that the potential benefits are poorly studied and that the possible long-term benefits are outweighed by the more immediate health problems caused by binge drinking. While consuming alcohol in moderation appears to have some benefits, it is important to remember that too much can be devastating for overall health and even life-threatening in the long run. When trying to moderate alcohol intake over the course of an evening or a week, it helps to know how much alcohol is in each drink you consume.

For example, many beers are about 5% alcohol, but some have higher percentages of alcohol. And some beers are sold in bigger sizes than the standard 12 ounces. The definition of heavy drinking is based on a person’s sex. For women, more than three drinks on any day or more than seven drinks a week is heavy drinking. For men, heavy drinking means more than four drinks on any day or more than 14 drinks a week.

Nutrition and healthy eating

In general, a healthy diet and physical activity have much greater health benefits than alcohol and have been more extensively studied. Moderate drinking is defined as 2 drinks per day for men and one drink per day for women, per the CDC’s guidelines. Hormones may also impact the rate at which alcohol is metabolized. Due to these differences, what constitutes moderate drinking for a woman is often thought to be less than what constitutes moderate drinking for a man.

The risks of moderate drinking include worsened health outcomes, developing a dependency on alcohol, and a higher risk of injury. That means even moderate amounts of alcohol could be harmful to your overall physical and mental health. However, those health benefits can quickly turn into health risks. Studies from the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) have found that drinking frequency is a risk factor, even with moderate drinking. What is the difference between moderate and heavy drinking? The difference between moderate and heavy drinking is in the number of drinks consumed per week.

In the United Kingdom, a standard alcoholic drink is significantly smaller—8 grams. In much of Europe, the standard is somewhere in the middle (typically 10 g or 12 g). Too much alcohol affects your speech, muscle coordination and vital centers of your brain. A heavy drinking binge may even cause a life-threatening coma or death.