Author: Alex Thompson

Can microdosing mushrooms reduce anxiety, depression, and stress?

microdosing mushrooms side effects

(C) Percentage of respondents who experienced negative side effects and currently microdose (light grey bar) or who experienced negative side effects and stopped microdosing (dark grey bar) depicted per effect onset. In summary, while there is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to mental health treatment, incorporating regular microdoses of psilocybin mushrooms into your self-care routine may be worth considering if you struggle with anxiety or depression. Recent studies have shown that microdosers report positive effects on their mental health. While each microdosers’ experience with psychedelic substances is different, I believe that those seeking to tap into their creative potential could benefit from exploring the practice of microdosing with psilocybin mushroomsshows promising results for enhancing creativity. In a small study, full doses of the drug helped cancer patients cope with depression and anxiety. Then he read anecdotes of Silicon Valley influencers claiming increased energy from taking tiny doses of psychedelics.

  1. As a lifelong healer, artist and spiritual counselor, he has compassionately guided individuals and couples towards healing and a more fulfilling existence, drawing inspiration from his mentorships in Mexico, Peru, Brazil, and Colombia.
  2. Among Fadiman’s gathered responses of microdosers, there was not a single case of  reported psychosis, a risk that requires strong consideration when taking a high dose.
  3. It’s important to note, however, that there are still unknowns when it comes to long-term effects on mental health as well as potential interactions with medications or substances.
  4. Therefore, it is unclear whether the source of these improvements is positive expectancy or the pharmacological action of microdosing,” he pointed out.
  5. While the latter is beyond the scope of this paper, the current study aimed to provide a detailed insight into individuals’ motivations to microdose.

When consuming dried mushrooms, it’s recommended that the dose be measured and weighed accurately using a scale to ensure consistency in dosing. Overall, it’s important to note that microdosing should not replace traditional medical treatments for these conditions and should only be considered under the guidance of a healthcare professional. However, the use of microdosing can be beneficial as an adjunct therapy for certain individuals. Therefore, it is unclear whether the source of these improvements is positive expectancy or the pharmacological action of microdosing,” he pointed out.

Motivation to microdose was assessed by summing the total amount of responses for each of the 5 main motivation categories. Responses that were reported in the “other” category were moved into one of the main categories in case of a match; in case there was no fitting category, they remained in the “other” category. Furthermore, frequency is reported for respondents that microdosed to work, followed by the frequency of their daily occupation. Respondent demographics were categorized into those who currently microdose and those who used to microdose.

Best Mushroom Strain for Microdosing?

However, according to a study published in Pubmed, microdosers reported effects lasting between 4-8 hours, which were significantly different from the placebo group. It’s important for microdosers to note that microdosing should never be done on consecutive days, as this can lead to an increased tolerance and decreased effectiveness over time. It’s crucial to find the right active dose for your mental health and stick to it, as a recent study has shown that consistent microdosing can have positive effects on mood and anxiety levels. An overview of route of administration and frequency of use per psychedelic for microdosing is presented in Table 4, which shows that the frequency of microdosing ranges between 2 and 7 times per week, depending on the substance. For instance, 57% up to 78% of the respondents that microdosed with LSD and psilocybin reported to use microdosing several times per week, ranging between 2 and 4 times per week. The most widely suggested practice is taking one-tenth of a regular, recreational dose of a psychedelic once every 3 days (Fadiman, 2011; thethirdwave, 2018).

microdosing mushrooms side effects

When I first heard about microdosing mushrooms and learned that it was about 1/10thof a full dose, I tried 0.35 grams and it was too much for me—too distracting for a work day, anyway. That’s because the threshold between a microdose and a low dose is thin, and the exact number for when it’s crossed is different for every individual. Unlike a full dose of psychedelics, a microdose is meant to be “sub-perceptual,” or barely noticeable. And so, the aim of a microdose isn’t to achieve a transcendental state or to see your life from a whole new perspective, as is common with higher doses of shrooms. It’s really more about a slight opening or enhancement of the senses, which translates for many folks into an increased sense of presence in their everyday activities.

What Does Microdosing Mushrooms Feel Like?

At the moment, the clinical research on microdosing mushrooms and other psychedelics is severely lacking. Some of the reported effects of microdosing mushrooms include improved mood, creativity, and productivity, as well as increased feelings of connection to oneself and others. This is in stark contrast to indulging in what we call a “full dose” (also known as tripping), which launches you into an immersive psychedelic realm filled with profound introspection and colorful geometric patterns. However, microdosers who practice microdosing psychedelics with serotonergic psychedelics have reported experiencing subtle yet positive effects on their mood and creativity. In sum, the results of this study add to the current evidence on the beneficial effects of microdosing psilocybin on mental health and mood, including among individuals with mental health concerns. Microdosing means taking a tiny fraction of a full dose of psychedelic substances, such as lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD or “acid”) or psilocybin mushrooms (magic mushrooms).

microdosing mushrooms side effects

Plus, a 2018 study on rat models found that higher doses of psilocybin promote structural and functional neural plasticity, which the authors theorize could be part of how psychedelic-assisted therapy works for depression and related disorders. I really don’t feel comfortable offering any advice here as I’m not a medical professional. Simply a guy who has personally gotten a lot of benefit out of shrooms, both microdosing and full trips. I’ve suffered with PTSD, bipolar disorder and anxiety for years and my doctor and my therapist both endorse microdosing for my situation. I’ve tried a variety of and been on many antidepressants and antipsychotics and things and they don’t do the job right and have really shitty side effects and I’m so tired of putting that poison in my body.

While there is still much research to be done in this area, many individuals report that regular microdosing can alleviate symptoms of these mental health conditions. For those interested, there are several articles available on Pubmed discussing the potential benefits of microdosing, although it is important to note that the placebo effect may also play a role in these reported benefits. Curious microdosers might be wondering why anyone would willingly choose less over more when it comes to microdose psychedelics? So next time someone asks you “What is microdosing mushrooms?” You can say it’s a discreet dance with psychedelic substances; a gentle nudge towards self-discovery wrapped in intriguing possibilities and ongoing research on its effects on us mere mortals. Microdosing with psychedelics, the practice of taking a low dose of a psychedelic every couple of days, seems to be an increasing trend among science, technology, engineering, and mathematics professionals. Multiple anecdotal reports suggest performance enhancing effects; however, these positive reports may overshadow potential negative experiences.

Microdosing: Everything You Need to Know

To conclude, this study demonstrates that microdosing is mostly used to enhance performance. Furthermore, the majority of microdosers are unaware of the dose they are actually taking. Importantly, psychological and physical negative effects were reported but in general do not outlast the “acute” phase. To clarify whether effects of microdosing on performance are restricted to a subjective level or are quantifiable with performance measures, placebo-controlled studies are needed.

Some studies suggest that microdosing can help to increase neuroplasticity, which is the brain’s ability to form new neural connections and adapt to changes in the environment. Whether you’re new to microdosing or are looking to deepen your understanding of this practice, this article has everything you need to know to get started. Microdosing shrooms is a hot topic in the world of alternative health and personal development. It is but a single psychedelic bubble in the global standard of a vast, sparkling ocean of research. Psychedelics increase the interaction between neurotransmitters, which can result in people developing a new perspective on things, including their own issues. Check out what works with PTSD, outside of the legal spectrum, that is being investigated currently, my best guess would be MDMA, I’ve seen encouraging results from research, but verify the ongoing research around it and make up your mind.

Motives and Side-Effects of Microdosing With Psychedelics Among Users

For example, a lot of people find they make new connections on microdose days that they wouldn’t normally make. Similarly, many people report that microdosing helps them quiet their mental chatter and focus more deeply on a task at hand, or possibly even enter a “flow state” where they’re so engrossed in an activity they lose track of time. As with any substance, there is a risk of developing a tolerance to microdosing mushrooms with frequent use. This means that over time, the same dose may become less effective and require an increase in dosage to achieve the same effects.

Demographic details included age, gender, continent of origin, daily occupation, and the highest level of education. Daily occupation consisted of 6 pre-set options respondents could choose from; learning/studying, physical work, computer/office work, working with people, travelling, and creative work. The level of education was separated into 3 main categories; primary (elementary), secondary (high school, academies, gymnasium, etc.), and tertiary education (university, trade school, college). Furthermore, respondents were asked whether they were diagnosed with a psychiatric, neurological, or physical disorder by a medical doctor or therapist. Whatever you decide to do, it can really help to keep a journal that keeps track of your dose, other substance intake (including caffeine and cannabis), mood, sleep, energy levels and any sort of effects you feel from the microdose.

Many of of the microdosers I interviewed for my book and surveyed for this story started out trying one of these two protocols, but ended up microdosing less frequently as needed. Yet, if I let go to that “come up” feeling and don’t have a lot of obligations, it passes eventually and I start to feel more open and creative. So I like microdoses in the 0.25 to 0.3 gram range for a day off from work when I can go to the local park with my dogs and come up with new story ideas. By approaching microdosing with awareness of the potential side effects and a sense of mindfulness, you can optimize the benefits of this practice while minimizing the risks. However, it’s important to approach microdosing with an open mind and a sense of curiosity, and to be mindful of any potential risks or side effects.